كيف يمكنني كتابة مقدمة تلخص آخر ٥٠ يومًا؟
أستطيع أن أحاول وصف هذه الحالة، ولكن لا أعتقد أنني أستطيع أن أعطيها حقها.
How can I write an introduction that can summarize the past 50+ days?
I can attempt to describe the condition. I can use words like horror but it wouldn’t recount the horror people in Gaza have been experiencing, nor it would express our own while watching the events unfold live on social media.
Why do some survive and others don’t? I mean how do those of us who survive a loss, should feel? When it’s this close.
It’s been three weeks since we woke up to the news of your tragic loss.
Up until that moment I knew who you are and what you do. Well, a little of it since I don’t watch nor keep up with the news much. I knew you were also my aunt & cousin's lovely neighbor and friend.
In the beginning, you were all I am curious about. I might not remember, but I know you were.
Part II of “How can we live more deliberately?” series of posts.
The last decade was tough, to say the least. In this post I breaks periods, share context then list the lessons I concluded around that time.
Some of us wake up one day with the news that a parent got diagnosed with an
incurable disease. Which -with a lot of certainty — will end their life one day,
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