كيف يمكنني كتابة مقدمة تلخص آخر ٥٠ يومًا؟
أستطيع أن أحاول وصف هذه الحالة، ولكن لا أعتقد أنني أستطيع أن أعطيها حقها.
How can I write an introduction that can summarize the past 50+ days?
I can attempt to describe the condition. I can use words like horror but it wouldn’t recount the horror people in Gaza have been experiencing, nor it would express our own while watching the events unfold live on social media.
The third season of The Detour Podcast is finally out!
Continuing on the positive feedback I received on the previous seasons, I started inviting guests and recording back in December 2022.
I'm very excited to share with you the first episode of a new podcast I’m launching with Moataz Mukhaimar.