Gaza is where the sun sets. Everyday, it sets.
The 100 days has almost quadrupled.
No longer a moment.
Something else entirely.
A lot of Death. Injury. Loss. Desperation.
Being alive today in
غزّة صارت عندي المكان اللي بتغيب منه الشمس.
كل يوم
الميّة يوم قربوا يصيروا ٤٠٠
بطلت لحظة وبس
صارت شي تاني
فقدان، جرح، حسرة، يأس…
إنك تكون عايش اليوم غزّ
هاي اللحظة
النا شي 100 يوم مع هاي اللحظة
عمر بحاله
The third season of The Detour Podcast is finally out!
Continuing on the positive feedback I received on the previous seasons, I started inviting guests and recording back in December 2022.
Why do some survive and others don’t? I mean how do those of us who survive a loss, should feel? When it’s this close.
In this post, I want to take you with me on a journey where we can understand how social media evolved to date, and how it shaped us as individuals and cultures. I share my suggestions on we can use it better, in its current form, and give a summary of the ideas out there on how we can move forward.
I love to present you with the second season of The Detour Podcast!
A short home studio guide with my recommendation into the different setups you might need depending on the purpose you have in mind.