Gaza is where the sun sets. Everyday, it sets.
The 100 days has almost quadrupled.
No longer a moment.
Something else entirely.
A lot of Death. Injury. Loss. Desperation.
Being alive today in
غزّة صارت عندي المكان اللي بتغيب منه الشمس.
كل يوم
الميّة يوم قربوا يصيروا ٤٠٠
بطلت لحظة وبس
صارت شي تاني
فقدان، جرح، حسرة، يأس…
إنك تكون عايش اليوم غزّ
هاي اللحظة
النا شي 100 يوم مع هاي اللحظة
عمر بحاله
كيف يمكنني كتابة مقدمة تلخص آخر ٥٠ يومًا؟
أستطيع أن أحاول وصف هذه الحالة، ولكن لا أعتقد أنني أستطيع أن أعطيها حقها.
How can I write an introduction that can summarize the past 50+ days?
I can attempt to describe the condition. I can use words like horror but it wouldn’t recount the horror people in Gaza have been experiencing, nor it would express our own while watching the events unfold live on social media.
Part of AramramTV [] coverage commemorating one year since the
Israeli Assault on GAZA winter 2008/2009 was this video containing interviews
with me, Ali Dahmash [] and
The International Coalition to End the Illegal Siege of Gaza an organization
formed after the 22-day assault on Gaza in winter2008-2009 is holding and
coordinating the Gaza Freedom March
The following post is a result of several conversations I had first hand with
friends, facebook status messages I read, twitter messages I received. News
articles I read. YouTube videos I watched…