A short home studio guide with my recommendation into the different setups you might need depending on the purpose you have in mind.
Start Small, Focus On Your Customer & Pay As You Grow.
A suggested strategy
Since the dawn of the internet, we as individuals and groups of interest has
sought tools that helps us connect together and exchange ideas, thoughts,
questions, share calendars organize events
I got contacted earlier this week by a startup that want me to join a new tool they are working on as an early adopter. I got excited and replied with several questions
I talk to a lot of founders right before they actually “found” anything, the
exicitement while they pitch me their product ideas never wears me off from
showing them my own, yet I’
So every now and then an idea for an app for a business or initiative comes to
mind, how do you decide if it’s worth spending your time, effort and cash on?
For years now, there are many tools to quickly build and manage websites. Today,
there are even vertically specialized tools for eCommerce website builders and
even eCommerce for florists in specific!
This post
This has always been a pain new startups founders face; to decide to hire their
own teams or outsource and if to outsource, the question becomes to whom? A
freelancer or a company?