About three months ago, I did something different something so out of my character, my comfort, and my general business conduct...
After one of the longest winters we remember ever experiencing, spring is all
around and is beautiful, maybe more so this year than any other?
We’ve spent this long winter taking stock
Earlier today, I was happy to be attending an event organized by int@j
[http://intaj.net] titled SheTechs [https://www.she-techs.com] which hoped to
gather women working in the ICT sector
I talk to a lot of founders right before they actually “found” anything, the
exicitement while they pitch me their product ideas never wears me off from
showing them my own, yet I’
So every now and then an idea for an app for a business or initiative comes to
mind, how do you decide if it’s worth spending your time, effort and cash on?
This has always been a pain new startups founders face; to decide to hire their
own teams or outsource and if to outsource, the question becomes to whom? A
freelancer or a company?
An extreme case of a startup founder being forced to wear many hats!
Coming from a mixed education of banking & finance as well as computer science &
information systems, lead me to
Funny how my first and longest post in months is about capitalism of all topics!
I promise it’s worth it.
I was forced to be made a defendant of capitalism in more