The Detour Podcast: Rania Atalla

A conversation with Rania Atalla about the detours she's taken in her career and about life & grief.

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About Rania Atalla

After 20 years in politics and communications spent between the USA and Jordan, Rania Atalla made a mid-career change into the field of mental health. She earned her second Master’s degree, this one in Counseling Psychology from the Chicago School of Professional Psychology (Washington, D.C. campus) in June 2013. She trained at a private psychology clinic and at Al-Rashid Hospital Center for Psychiatry and Addictions, both in Amman. She currently works privately with clients to identify & address different emotional and psychological conditions. She is particularly interested in the brain & neuroplasticity, and is passionate about raising awareness regarding mental and emotional well-being.

Prior to her career change, Ms. Atalla had earned a BA and MA in political science both from Georgetown University. For two decades, she combined politics and communications experience with management and leadership skills to lead high-profile institutions in Jordan and internationally. She ran the Jordan Information Bureau (Jordan’s public affairs office) in Washington, D.C. for five years where she focused on Jordan’s position in the United States Congress.

Ms. Atalla also served as Director of Communications for King Abdallah and as the first Chief of Staff for Queen Rania Al-Abdallah. Upon leaving public service, she returned to Washington, D.C. as the US Executive Director of Women for Women International, a global organization that empowers women in conflict and post-conflict countries. She served on the board of trustees of the Elia Nuqul Foundation in Jordan, as well as on the board of INJAZ Arabia. She is currently a board member of Women for Women International, and of Al-Malath Hospice Organization in Amman.

Ms. Atalla is licensed by the Ministry of Health in Jordan. She is also a Graduate Member of the British Psychological Society (BPS), a member of the American Counseling Association (ACA) and of the American Psychological Association (APA).

She has a private pilot’s license and enjoys kite-flying in the Jordanian desert.

About The Detour Podcast

مرحبًا بك في بودكاست تحويلة

فكرة البودكاست هي الاحتفال بالأشخاص اللي دايماً بتعلمو بأنفسهم مهارات مختلفة لتاخذهم لآفاق جديدة. كل الاشخاصفكرة البودكاست هي الاحتفال بالأشخاص اللي دايماً بتعلمو بأنفسهم مهارات مختلفة لتاخذهم لآفاق جديدة. كل الاشخاص شاركونا برحلتهم بحلوها ومرها، وبخبرونا عن الحوافز والدوافع وكل الطرق اللي ساعدتهم ليعملو تحويله معينة بحياتهم ويوصلوا للي بدهم اياه

Welcome to The Detour Podcast! The podcast is all about celebrating those always on a quest to learn themselves into new abilities. Each individual shares their journey so far in their lives and the drive they had, tools they used and own insights into what made the detour happen and how they got it done.

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