The Detour Podcast: Dr. Mary Kawar

حديثي مع الدكتورة ماري قعوار حول استجابتها لنداء العمل من أجل تحقيق العيش الكريم لكل إنسان، و عن المثابرة والقدرة على التكيف مع التركيز على الهدف المنشود.

My conversation with Dr. Mary Kawar about following a calling to help create conditions that allow dignified human living, about persistence and adaptability while keeping an eye at the goal.

Listen to "With Mary Kawar مع د. ماري قعوار" on Spreaker.

About Dr. Mary Kawar

Mary Kawar is currently the director of Tiraz: Widad Kawar Home for Arab Dress and serving on the Board of directors at the Jordan Central Bank. Formally she was the Jordanian Minister for Planning and International Cooperation. She also worked at the the International Labour Organisation for 20 years where she held senior positions in the ILO headquarters in Geneva, the Regional Office for Arab States in Beirut, and the subregional office for East Africa in Dar El Salaam. She is a social and economic policy expert and researcher in areas mostly related to labour, employment policies and social protection. She holds a PhD from the London School of Economics.