A commentary on the state of social media
I’ve been pretty much obsessed with this topic for more than 10 years now. Back
then, I wrote this post
, such anger and passion! I
Having started my Tech career back in 1996, I’ve spent the first 10 years
working for different local startups and small businesses before I decided to co
found Spring [http://www.hellospring.
I read this article in Arabic today that talks about the state of “Activists”
these days and what they have turned into.
I found the words very descriptive of the state of affairs
The Jordanian government officials are planning to censor the internet in the
country using baseless moral claims.
Join the Internet Blackout day this coming Wed, Aug 29th.
Read more here in English
أنا إمرأة أردنية
حياتي يجب أن تحميها قوانين صارمة و عقوبة شديدة لمن تسوّل له نفسه ان يأخذها .
جنسيتي يجب أن تكون حق لأطفالي، كما جنسية أخي حق لأطفاله. لا تُحملّ
For those of my friends who understand any call for reform as calls to bring the
Islamists to rule.
For those of my friends who understand any call for reform as calls to
So it’s been a mind-blowing time this year with the Arab revolutions everywhere,
all demanding end of long-lived oppression and crying for a freedom all are
earning for.
I want to talk