In the beginning, you were all I am curious about. I might not remember, but I know you were.
My observations around how I think world-views become and the interplay they inflect on our interactions with each other.
A collection of what I ended up writing in May. Scattered thinking is a trait of the times, so mind the jumps!
Living through this COVID-19 pandemic though, it does feel like the ride is becoming a rollercoaster, with steep turns yet none of which is novel to the human experience.
Part II of “How can we live more deliberately?” series of posts.
Last December marked my 20 years of traveling as an adult.
In this and following series of posts, I will explore this quest of deliberate living from different angles, first here is freedom.
Some of us wake up one day with the news that a parent got diagnosed with an
incurable disease. Which -with a lot of certainty — will end their life one day,
soon or