Freelancing is great, we surely need more freelancers in Jordan and everywhere else. Designers, programmers, accountants, copywriters, translators, event managers…you name it; all companies need it.
There are numerous problems with freelancing in Jordan:
- Most people claiming to freelance have actually full-time jobs that prohibit it.
- The above will cause you delays by default, because as there jobs are demanding you will have to be put as a second priority and suffer delays in your job request.
- If they are actually 100% freelancers chances are they haven’t found someone to pay them for a full time job yet, and they will work with you until that dream job comes to life. Then, you get screwed over with delays and half a$$ed work.
- Companies look to save with freelancers, elsewhere in the world a freelancer/contractor gets paid very well for a contracting Job to make up for the lack of full-time employment benefits. Which is a fair deal.
I think there should be an initiative to make self-employment a valid choice in the country:
- Pay fair rates to freelancers while committing to pay on time.
- Freelancers to become more professional and committed in their engagements.
I think a time like now with the economical situation everyone is facing, freelancing can save lots of companies. Most of which are not confident about expanding their employee base for fear of stable revenues, can really use a professional freelancer network to still satisfy their current projects and not commit to a larger employee base if the economical situation worsens and they their revenue levels decline.
People who prefer a relaxed and personally managed time can use freelancing jobs to help create the lifestyle they seek, working for few months, then taking time off and so on.