I am copying and pasting my answer to kim’s Quest on Questler
So here are my predictions for 2008:
1. Lebanon will have a new president (do they have one already???)
2. George Bush will give us another disaster decision before leaving office.
3. It will be more and more expensive to live in Amman.
4. People will start having negative feelings about Google.
5. Republicans and Hillary will lose the presidential race.
6. Questler will hit big everywhere (ok, this is wishful thinking:) )
7. Microsoft will announce that office 2010 will be completely a web app!
8. New search engines will become more popular (Spock, Riya…etc)
9. Palestinian occupied territories will still be called the same.
10. last but not least, real estate prices in Jordan will start declining by end of year. (Wishful thinking?)