The following post is a result of several conversations I had first hand with friends, facebook status messages I read, twitter messages I received. News articles I read. YouTube videos I watched…
From calls for for bloody Zionist Israel to stop its genocide in Gaza, to calls to Egypt, Jordan to cut their ties with Zionist Israel, to calls to Arab states to open the borders for Jihad in reflection upon news reports of children murdered, to innocent civilian life butchered for 22 consecutive days (till date), after years of blockade over Gaza.
From hundred of rallies walked, all sorts of flags risen, all sort of chants cried, all sort of boycott calls, of strikes, of prayers.
The momentum created by this new Zionist Israeli massacre should be carried not for days or months or years.
But for as long as it takes.
To save this momentum, action needs to happen. This same obsession over the past three weeks should result in grassroots actions. Forget our governments, forget the US, European officials. We need to bring our message to the masses around the globe.
Those were the words of many people around me.
What’s happening today in Gaza is the new deir yassin, the new sabra and shatila and the world needs to know the details of what has been happening. The gory details. Every story should be told. Those who died. Those who were injured and those who got the shock of their lives.
“I don’t want to forget what’s happening and how it made me feel a year from now…” – Ola
“We need to continue to donate to save more lives over there…” – Diala
“we need lawyers to start preparing a law suit against the murderous Israeli government.” – Ahmad
We need people to better brand this massacre, we need to launch hundreds of websites to put faces to all those who were killed & injured and collect each and every story, with any kind of media we can use.
Let’s have an action plan…