Almost winning a businesswoman of the year award

The contestants in all three categories. Credits @munahaddad

About three months ago, I did something different something so out of my character, my comfort, and my general business conduct, I applied to Bank El Etihad Businesswoman of the Year award, part of their yearly SMEAwards. I didn’t take it too seriously and neither did I do it carelessly. It was more of an impulse, a shot at something different.

Then three weeks ago they contacted me and said I am on the shortlist! I was ecstatic and instantly honored!

A week later I got to meet the other contestants in my category, amazing and accomplished women, it felt even more exciting to be amongst them competing for the award!

The inspirational experience creator Mona Haddad, the artisan delicious food maker Jumana Jacir and the brilliant architect of modern spaces Basma Uraiqat.

I felt both humbled and privileged to be on a shortlist with such amazing women leaders as a creator of engaging digital experiences myself. Humbling because you get to get outside your own story, however accomplished and special you think you and your story are, you get faced with just as accomplished and just as special stories if not more.

Leading up to the Award ceremony, with all the anxiety, I told myself this

“If you didn’t win, you’d be amongst two great businesswomen who didn’t win as well!”

And that did it!

The moment Mona Haddad of Baraka Destinations was announced the winner, I don’t think I experienced any disappointment, ok, maybe for a millisecond! I cheered her on as big as all the attendees that evening. How can you not? When the core of the business she’s created and has been running is designed so every delivered touristic experience does help local communities make extra income.

To have a local bank so adamant about supporting women and businesswomen in my part of the world is something to take note of, but also one that gives credit to businesses that create lasting social impact is even more unique.

Thank you @BankalEtihadJO for this opportunity and hope I have the guts to apply and hopefully win next time!

This story was first published @Springing Forward